Revenue Generation Workshop​ 2019 CPT

The niche hotel sector has often been excluded from gaining further insights into how their specific niche market is performing. In this workshop we will be discussing a number of these very specific niche hotel challenges as well as sharing some best practices that the panel have implemented (or been a part of implementing) and that have seen…


Market Overview – Focusing on the performance of smaller, boutique style properties in the Greater Cape Town area (including Winelands)

Where are we in the current hospitality business cycle – Topical discussion and data presentation.

Benchmarking Tactics – Why is this important to my business?

Understanding your value proposition – Unlocking your property’s value proposition will increase your earning potential.

Revenue Generation – How to optimize your revenue in high/low season – Selling the right room, to the right person, at the right moment, for the right price, through the right channel, with the best cost efficiency.

Online Travel Agents – You can’t beat them, so join them. How to select which platforms to join and why?

The Power of Technology – How important is the right system and what are the right systems for my hotel?

Social Media – How to make it work for you.

For more information, please contact

20 November 2019

TIME: 12h00 to 15h00 (arrival from 11h30)

VENUE: Banhoek Lodge, Stellenbosch

RSVP: By 7 November 2019

Light finger snacks and refreshments will be served

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